GN Decanter centrifuge used for carbon powder recycling in waste lithium battery treatment

Recently, GN completed the fabrication and assembly of two sets of GNLW224ET-VFD decanter centrifuges. These two sets of decanter centrifuges are equipped with variable frequency control cabinet, which can realize the variable speed operation of the equipment. The equipment purchaser is an EPC company, which conducts process design, equipment procurement and installation for a waste lithium battery recycling station. GN decanter centrifuge is used for recycling the carbon powder after the battery is crushed.

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Screw Press unit for Mexico Food Plant Application

The screw press machine is a common sludge dewatering equipment. In some food processing plants, in order to treat the sewage generated in the production process, the plants are often equipped with some sludge dewatering equipment to treat the sewage produced by the plants, so as to meet the environmental sewage discharge requirements. Recently, Mexican customers have ordered a batch of screw press from GN for the disposal of waste bread crumbs in the production process of local food factories.

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Inclined Plate Clarier and Decanter Centrifuge for Overseas Client

Recently, GN has completed the assembly of one set of tank flushing mud water separation system, which will soon be sent to the domestic customer's site. In some drilling sites or construction sites, tanks are often used to store the mud used in the construction process. After the mud is used, high-pressure water is usually used to flush the tank interior, so as to discharge the sediment accumulated at the tank bottom. How to recycle and reuse this flushing water is a problem that can be solved by GN tank flushing mud water separation system.

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12 Sets Decanter Centrifuge for overseas oilfield environmental solutions Company

Recently, GN has completed the assembly of a batch of decanter centrifuges, which will be sent to overseas customers for environmental protection applications in oilfield. Decanter centrifuge is widely used environmental protection separation equipment. It can be divided into two-phase centrifuge and three-phase centrifuge according to different materials to be separated.

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