Category:Decanter Centrifuge        Views:3567

GN Decanter Centrifuge made for chemical waste water treatment has been working successfully in a power plant. GN Decanter Centrifuges are widely used for different waste water treatment projects.


Details of the project are as below:

  • Equipment:5 Sets GNLW454E Decanter Centrifuge
  • Project Location:China Taiwan
  • Project Start Date:March, 2020
  • Material:Power Plant Waste Water
  • Requirement:Discharge sludge with water content below 75%.
  • Challenge:
  1. Less solids content, Ultra Fine Solids
  2. Highly corrosive Chemical water
  • GN Solutions:
  1. GN did lab test for the material and treat the material with Lab centrifuge to find out the best selection of decanter centrifuge for clients material.
  2. To make it corrosion resistant for the chemical, GN Decanter Centrifuge bowl assembly was made by Duplex Stainless Steel SS2507.
  3. The fluids touch surface on the collection box coated by corrosion resistant coatings.


  • GN Decanter Centrifuge Specifications:
    Bowl Diameter 450 mm (18 Inch)
    Bowl Length 1890 mm (74.5 Inch)
    Max Speed 4000 RPM
    Max G force 4032 G
    Ration L/D 4.2
    Main Motor 45KW
    Back Motor 11KW

Solids Discharged from GN Decanter Centrifuge


Waste Water in and clean water out
