Category:Decanter Centrifuge        Views:5344

GN-EV(Environmental Decanter) Series decanter centrifuges can be used on scrape or flush dairy and cattle feed lots, swine, poultry or other animal manure waste, lagoon sludge, or to dewater aerobic or anaerobic digester sludge. The decanter centrifuges can also be used on fish waste, algae, and other wetland applications. GN-EV decanter centrifuge can be used for manure separation and /or thickening prior to anaerobic digestion as well as for dewatering after anaerobic digestion. A wide range of manure slurry feed rates, feed solids concentrations and feed materials can be centrifuged. Minor coarse prescr eening or maceration is recommended for large and miscellaneous debris. No polymers or other additives required. Polymers can be used if solids removal levels in the high nineties are required.

GN Decanter Centrifuge for Animal waste treatment:

  • GN-EV decanter centrifuge is widely used for dewatering of scraped and / or flushed dairy, cattle, swine, poultry and other animal manure wastes, older lagoons sludges, plus dewatering digester sludges both aerobic and anaerobic
  • GN-EV decanter centrifuge commonly separates 70 to 85% of suspended solids in fresh flushed dairy or swine manure waste without direct addition of chemical treatments although higher removal rates are possible with addition of polymers or flocculants
  • GN-EV decanter centrifuge dewatering eliminates thousands of gallons of water from being applied to the fields which allows separated manure solids discharged from the centrifuge at up to 36% dry weight solids to be applied to the fields without overloading fields with nutrient loaded water and run-off
  • GN-EV decanter centrifuge offers maximum flexibility and adjustability to meet process requirements for solids discharge dewatering fresh flushed swine manure solids to approximately 30% dry solids or thickening within the 5% – 10% dws range with simple adjustments
  • GN-EV decanter centrifuge is available for a wide range of manure slurry feed rates, feed solids concentrations and feed materials can be processed with coarse prescreening recommended to remove large debris including rocks, excess sand and other miscellaneous debris
  • No filter media to blind-off, All stainless steel product contact surfaces make the machines resistant to corrosion, No screens or filter cloths to replace