GN 22 Inch Decanter Centrifuge for Food Industry Waste Water Treatment

This week, GN finished the fabrication to 2 decanter centrifuge of 22 inch bowl that would be used for food industry waste water treatment. Being separation solution provider, GN is devoting to provide reliable solid liquid separation solution with different purposes to various industries.

In choosing the type of the decanter centrifuge, the conditions of the slurry need to be provided by clients. For most of the food industry wastewater, the solid content in water is soft. GN Y series separation type decanter centrifuge is recommended for this project. It can perform with the consideration of both clarification of discharged liquid and the dryness of the discharged slag.

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U Type Screw Conveyor and Slurry Pump for Russia Client

GN Separation is mainly manufacturing solids liquid separation equipment like decanter centrifuge, disc separator and oil water separator. Besides the separation equipment, GN also makes and supplies some conveying equipment as auxiliary equipment to main separation machine. The screw conveyor and centrifugal slurry pump are two of the main products in GN conveying equipment series.

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GN Solid Vacuum Pump Air Shipped to Middle East Client

This week, GN arranged the shipment of solid vacuum pump to a client from Middle East. As client urgently needs it, the equipment will be air shipped. From receiving the inquiry to arranging the shipment, it only took one week. On one hand, after viewing the working video of GN solid vacuum pump, the client is confident that the pump will be workable for their project; on the other hand, GN fast reply by providing the working video and detailed technical proposal convinced the client, as well as the stock guarantees the prompt delivery.

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